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Season Procedures 

Check-off-list for Coaches

Click here to download a list of things to ensure you are ready for your first game.


Returning Coaches (head coach, assistant, or manager)

  • Sign up to coach click this.

  • Complete background check. Click this for instructions on how to complete a background check.

  • Complete Safe Sport. Click this for instructions on how to complete safe sport.

  • Sign up for a practice field. 

  • Contact coordinator and president to say you are returning.

  • Remind parents to sign up their player.


New Coach (head coach, assistant, or manager)

  • All new coaches will set up an account in GotSport. Sign up to coach.

  • Complete background check. Click here for instructions on how to complete a background check.

  • Complete Safe Sport. Click this for instructions on how to complete safe sport.

  • Once background and Safe Sport is completed and approved, the coordinator will add you to the team.

  • Upload a current picture in Gotsport.

  • Sign up for a practice field. Only if you are the head coach.

  • Pick a team name and color and find uniforms for your team. Only if you are the head coach.

  • Fill out the seeding form and return it to the president.

  • Contact players once the roster is received.


Background Checks

All teams’ contacts (Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers, etc.) must pass a background check every year.  All background checks expire in June.  Click here for instructions on how to complete a background check.  Click here to complete a background check.  â€‹


Assistant Coaches

We encourage all teams to have at least one assistant coach in case of schedule conflicts.  Head coaches will determine their assistant coaches. Once you find an assistant coach have him/her sign up and complete a background check.  Also, contact your age coordinator so he/she can be added to your team. 


Safe Sport

NTSSA mandates that coaches and managers complete the CDC Heads Up/Concussion Course and Safe Sport Course. Both are available through your coaches’ accounts. These short courses cover how to identify and handle concussions and how to have a safe and respectful environment. You can find step-by-step instructions here.


We ask all coaches to follow the rule of "when in doubt, sit them out" for the safety of our players. Please report any suspected concussions to the DSA board so we can follow up with their parents. Remember our ultimate goal is to keep everyone safe.


Team Seeding Form

All coaches must submit a seeding form to ensure their team or teams are added to the game schedule, along with any exceptions (byes) for that season. Please return the forms to the president. Click here for the seeding form. If the president does not receive your seeding form before the seeding meeting, you will be responsible for paying the fee to add your team to the schedule.


Practices Schedules

Teams may practice twice a week for one hour Monday through Friday. Coaches may pick the days and times; they would like to practice.  We will try our best to honor your request but it is not guaranteed. Teams will be assigned half a soccer field to practice on for ONE HOUR. Sometimes, games are scheduled on a weeknight, and those games take precedence over practice. You may practice on an open field or space if a game is on your practice field. 


You can only practice on the days and times assigned to you. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the field coordinator. Click here to request a practice field. Teams will practice and play games on the front and back fields. Click here to request half of a practice field. You may only practice on your assigned day, time, and field. If there is bad weather, please call the rainout line at 972-230-9652. Be mindful of the temperature and wind index.


Contact your Players 

Once you receive your roster, contact your players.  



Each team is responsible for ordering their uniforms.  Teams must have matching shirts with a unique number on the back.  The unique number must be permanent on their jersey as well as on the game sheet.  If you would like to secure a sponsor to help pay for your uniforms, you can but keep in mind  DSA uniform policy:  uniforms may not advertise any adult subjects, such as alcohol, cigarettes, or weapons. You may order your uniforms from anywhere.


NTSSA/DeSoto Soccer Code of Ethics for Coaches

The code of ethics has been developed to clarify and distinguish approved and accepted professional, ethical, and moral behavior from that which is detrimental to the development of soccer. DeSoto Soccer Association holds all coaches, assistant coaches, and team officials to the standards of this code. Click here to get a copy.


Coach ID Cards 

We cannot stress enough the importance of having your coach ID card with you at all games and practices. You must wear it around your neck at any time you are coaching. You will NOT be able to coach a game without the card. Referees WILL check—both home and in other cities. Once your roster is generated, you can access it in your team account. Click here to print coaches' IDs.


Player ID Cards

Player ID Cards are required for all players. There are NO exceptions to this - home games or away games -the first game or the last game - if you do not have player cards, you DO NOT play.  Player ID cards can be shown to the referees either virtual or a hard copy. The game will be recorded as a forfeit for your team and will not be rescheduled. Click here to get virtual IDs


Parents need to upload a headshot picture of their player onto their GotSport account no later than a week before the first game of the season.  They do this by logging into the player's account and selecting the button to upload a picture. The registrar will generate the IDs before the first games.  You have two options for bringing player IDs to games.

  • A printed version is available in your team account. Click on the link for the current season.  Click on the documents tab and find the Player ID cards document. Print this document and bring it with you to all games. Click here to get instructions on how to check your team account and print players' IDs.  


  • You may use the electronic version by logging into your team account through an electronic device. The referee will use your phone to check in with your players through the virtual ID.  Also, be prepared with a backup plan in case there are internet issues. We strongly recommend you screenshot the cards so, they are saved on your phone. 


If you have questions about this, please call your age group coordinator before your first game of the season.


Late Players to the game

If a player arrives after the game begins, they will not be allowed on the field until the referee has checked their player ID.  Referees will not take their attention away from the game to check cards for late players so that players will not be able to play until an extended pause in play, such as for an injury or halftime.


Game Day

Field locations are posted on our website before the start of each season. Please check this before your game. Tardiness/ absence could cause the team to forfeit. If you are listed as the "Home" team, you are required to wear alternate jerseys/pinnies if there is a color conflict; if your team is unable to provide this they will forfeit. Each team has the responsibility for keeping trash picked up on their sideline.


Game/Match Sheets

Game sheets are available in your team account for the U7-U19 age group.  Be sure to check game cards (sheets) to ensure all your players have their jersey numbers next to their names.  When you view your schedule, click on the game number, which will open a new screen with your game sheet.  Game sheets MUST be printed and brought to each game. Click here to see how to print game cards (sheets).


Do not print all your game sheets at one time. It's best to print your game sheets 48 hours before the game.  Sometimes, the roster changes due to red cards, new players, etc.  All games and reschedules are done by the BSW scheduler. Therefore,  we have no control over times and days. 


At the end of the game, the referee will ask both coaches to sign the game sheets. The away team's game sheet will be returned to them.  The home team's game sheet will be taken by the referee and turned in to the association.  Home team coaches are encouraged to take a picture of the game sheet to aid them in reporting the score.


Reporting Scores

Referees or referee assignors will enter the game score into GotSport at the end of each game.  


Traveling Teams

Teams U7 and above will play in the Best Southwest Interplay League (BSW).  4U-6U will play at Grimes Park for all games.



While we do our best to avoid it, changes to game schedules will happen.  Coaches are responsible for monitoring their teams’ schedules often to identify any game changes.  Coaches are asked at the beginning of the season to identify two dates that they are unable to play games.  We make every effort to schedule around those exceptions.  Once the schedule has been issued, coaches may only ask for reschedules.  All games and reschedules are done by the BSW scheduler.  Therefore,  we have no control over times and days.  Games may be scheduled for Saturdays, weeknights, and Sundays after 1 pm.  Reschedules may be granted only for the following reasons:

  • the event of a verifiable school function that affects a majority of your players

  • a conflict with another DSA soccer team you coach

  • your team has registered for an NTTSA  tournament.  

  • death in a coach's immediate family​

Requests for schedule changes outside those reasons will be denied.  Click on the resource tab to get the form. 



DeSoto Soccer Association

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P.O. Box 1862

DeSoto, Texas 75123

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